Administering Sybase SQL Anywhere DB and dependent applications

A single SQL Anywhere database engine can manage access to several databases simultaneously. You can start and stop databases from database administration tools or client applications, and you may connect to any of the currently running databases on a database engine. Which is similar to MS SQL Server running a DB instance. Under each DB instance you have have ‘N’ number of DB attached and running.

When a database server or engine is started, it is assigned a server name or engine name . The server or engine name is entirely distinct from the name of the database engine program itself. By default, the server name is the first database name. For example, if a database engine is started with database C:PBEXPSDEMODB.DB and no name is explicitly given, then the name of the engine is PSDEMODB.

A SQL Anywhere database engine or server can run several databases simultaneously, managing access to each of them. When a database is started on a database engine, it is assigned a database name , also called the database alias . If no database name is explicitly assigned, the database receives the name of the root file with the path and extension removed


By default, Sybase SQL DB engine/server runs with below command line syntax:

C:>"<path to dbsrv11 residing folder>dbsrv11.exe" -x tcpip -n <Name of DB server> "<path to .DB file>" -os 5M -o "<path to DB log.txt file>" -oe "<path-to-DB-errorlog.txt>"

Note: with –n option loaded DB will be referred with the same name as that of DB server instance.

With the above command you can load/attach any of your Sybase SQL DB’s on a single DB server.


To map a user to specific Sybase SQL database:

Application uses ODBC to talk to the database. by default most of the applications create a system DSN’s to refer to the underlying DB to be connected to. You can use “User DSN” instead of a System DSN to change the application behavior of connecting to a particular DB for a given user. For this you may have to remove the System DSN in case you need to use the same DSN.

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