Change an SSL Certificate Friendly Name using the DigiCert Utility

Change the Friendly Name of a Microsoft Server’s SSL Certificate

Why would you want to edit the friendly name you might ask? A couple reasons are your certificates may not have been assigned friendly names since they aren’t required, or someone may have assigned multiple certificates the same name. For assigning an SSL Certificate to a website or domain in IIS or Exchange can be tricky because certificates will be displayed by their friendly name.

  1. To edit the Certificate’s friendly name, just run the DigiCert Certificate Management Utility, then right click on the certificate you’d like to change then choose Edit Friendly Name.
    DigiCert Utility - Right-Click Menu
  2. Assign a unique friendly name to help you distinguish certificate from all other SSL Certificates/Code Signing certificates on your server/computer and click Save.
    Note: If you are using a Wildcard certificate with multiple websites in IIS, you will want to begin your friendly name with a wildcard character ‘*’ (e.g. * 2-21-2012), this will make it much easier to assign the wildcard certificate to multiple websites in IIS.
    Note: Please see the examples below for some naming convention examples that will help you keep track of which issued/reissued certificate is newest:
    Domain Name: Your.Domain.Com ( Today’s Date )
    Company Name: Your Company Inc ( Today’s Date )
    Certificate Type: Wildcard ( Today’s Date )
    Edit Friendly Name Screen


p>Source: Change an SSL Certificate Friendly Name using the DigiCert Utility

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