Change an SSL Certificate Friendly Name using the DigiCert Utility

Change the Friendly Name of a Microsoft Server’s SSL Certificate Why would you want to edit the friendly name you might ask? A couple reasons are your certificates may not have been assigned friendly names since they aren’t required, or someone may have assigned multiple certificates the same name. For assigning an SSL Certificate to a website or domain in IIS or Exchange can be tricky because certificates will be displayed by their friendly name. To edit the Certificate’s friendly name, just run the DigiCert Certificate Management Utility, then right click on the certificate you’d like to change then choose […]

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What happens when a SSL certificate expires, will the website fails to load?

As its very known that websites are secured with SSL certificates and thus run as HTTPS secured web sites, it’s interesting to know what happens if that securing SSL certificate is expired.   In short: For a certificate expired websites, browsers will notify users with a security alert prompt.  If you choose to agree to accept this certificate you will be able to enter the secure site, providing it is indeed a secure and valid site, and not an exploit or a redirected malicious site. SSL (secure socket layer) is responsible for maintaining an encrypted session between the web server […]

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Why to use Tomcat web server behind IIS?

It’s possible that many of the websites are “hosted in Tomcat” and yet “fronted by IIS” and vice-versa.  The primary reason for this is that normally IIS can not execute Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSPs), configuring IIS to use the JK ISAPI redirector plugin will let IIS send servlet and JSP requests to Tomcat (and this way, serve them to clients).     Reference: < p>The Apache Tomcat Connector – Webserver HowTo – IIS HowTo

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